“The best in this kind are but shadows; and the worst are no worse, if imagination amend them.”  –  A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 5, sc. 1

About the show

Fall Under the Spell!

What better way to celebrate the peak of summer than by stepping into the enchanted world of William Shakespeare’s most beloved comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream? 

Fall under the spell of this classic tale of mistaken love, otherwordly creatures and hilarious misunderstandings in a setting befitting its magical environment: under the stars at Crescent Beach, B.C.

On August 15-19, 2012, Beach House Theatre brings A Midsummer Night’s Dream to life with the incredible natural stage of Blackie Spit at Crescent Beach in the background. Whether you are well-versed in Shakespearean productions or experiencing his work for the very first time, the magic, beauty and eerie quality of this fantastic story of the fairy world colliding with the human world will charm both adults and children alike.

On August 15-19, 2012, Beach House Theatre brings A Midsummer Night’s Dream to life with the incredible natural stage of Blackie Spit at Crescent Beach in the background. Whether you are well-versed in Shakespearean productions or experiencing his work for the very first time, the magic, beauty and eerie quality of this fantastic story of the fairy world colliding with the human world will charm both adults and children alike.

Cast & Crew

Candace Radcliffe – Co-Director
Rick Harmon – Co-Director
Sarah Adams – Production Manager
Geoff McEvoy – Technical Director
Linda Weston – Costume Designer
David Weston – House Manager
Sebastien Galina – Photographer
Maxine Howchin – Props Coordinator
Sheena Johnson – Hippolyta
Riley Leiper – Sound Operator
Kate Prefontaine – Stage Manager
Carol Seitz – Choreographer
Abby Swansburg – Stage Manager
Zach Dallas – Lighting Operator
Marina Benitez-Lazzarotto – Puck
Nicki Carbonneau – Starveling
Russel Chartrand – Bottom
Nicole Chartrand – Production Designer
Paula Cooper – Peaseblossom
Arael Hardy – Box Office Coordinator
Mikayla Hart – Fairy
Nick Hugh – Lysander
Roger Hussen – Egeus
Cassidy Johnson – Fairy
Michael Johnston – Construction Manager
Adam Olgui – Quince
Reginald Pillay – Snout
Paul Richardson – Flute
Shane Robinson – Demetrius
Dana Schindel – Titania
Rylan Schinkel – Hermia
Gale Smith – Assistant Costume Designer
Marika Stanger – Fairy
Rory Tucker – Snug
James Walker – Theseus/Oberon
Anne vanLeeuwen – Helena